Managing the affairs of your business may require you to don many hats. No matter the niche, the chances are high that you have come across clients and debtors who simply refuse to pay the due money. While you may assume that attempts to recover your money will fetch results sooner or later, the reality is different. Debtors often try everything possible to evade payments, and even if you manage to get a judgment, the path to recovery can be time-consuming. Whether you want to collect on a judgment in New York or need help with finding more details about debtors, an attorney is often better than a debt collection agency. Here’s more for your help!
Working with a debt collection agency
Many businesses assume that hiring a debt collection agency is enough to recover debts and bills, especially when internal efforts have failed. Most collection agencies work on a contingency fee, which means they get a share of the collected debt payments rather than a fixed fee. Usually, an agency will work with companies, lenders, and creditors and deploy a few essential methods to collect unpaid debts. They can make phone calls to the debts within the given time according to laws, send letters and notices, and report delinquent accounts to various credit reporting agencies. We all know debtors do everything to ignore such calls, and emails and letters are rarely opened.
Working with judgment and fee collection lawyers
Debt collection agencies have their limitations. They cannot take action against past payments that were not paid. That’s where a judgment and fee collection lawyer can step in. If there is no better way to collect your debt than going to court, why hire an agency in the first place? A judgment and fee collection lawyer understands the intricacies of commercial litigation and can help you beyond what an agency can do. Your attorney can mail demand letters stating the legal actions that are possible against the debtor. They can also file lawsuits when necessary and recover a money judgment. If you are willing to work further with your unpaying debtors and sort a payment schedule, your attorney can help with the contract and other formalities.
Protect your business with an attorney
Time and again, debt collection agencies have been flagged for their practices, and many have come under the scanner of authorities. Lawyers, on the other hand, focus on ethics and conduct, and their work is more about helping clients through legal maze and recover owed money and debts. When debtors know that you have a legal team to help you, they are more conscious of the consequences and less likely to resolve the dispute. Not paying the money only could mean incurring more costs and expenses, and debtors, especially those who can spare the amount, would rather settle it.
Finding reliable judgment and fee collection lawyers in NY
Firstly, start by looking for law firms that have experience with businesses like yours. Make sure they have worked with clients across industries and boast of a good track record. A judgment and fee collection lawyer should have the time, resources, and expertise to work with your company regularly, as you would need them repeatedly as operations expand. As for hiring an attorney, you may pay a flat fee, but some attorneys take a contingency fee. That essentially means the lawyers get a percentage of debt and fee recovery.
Call a judgment and fee collection lawyer in New York before you end up dealing with numerous debtors who refuse to pay you.